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For Successful Printing, Don't Blow the Gasket


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WHEN WE THINK of a gasket, we often relate it to something experienced in our home, perhaps a plumbing gasket or a gas pipe. A tight seal — or gasket - ensures no leaks. In SMT printing, the same theory applies: A good gasket means no solder paste leaks and a better printing result. With stencil printing, gasketing occurs when the aperture cut into the stencil is pressed firmly against the corresponding pad so it forms a seal. To achieve a good gasket, the aperture should be at least 1:1 with the pad size. If the aperture is larger than the pad, a poor gasket will result. Our company generally advises a one mil (25pm) reduction of aperture size to ensure a tight seal. So, for example, if the pad is 125pm x 125pm, an aperture of 100pm x 100pm is recommended. All things being equal, this approach will help form a good, tight gasket.
机译:当我们考虑垫片时,我们经常将其与我们在家中经历过的事情联系在一起,例如水暖垫片或煤气管。紧密的密封件(或垫圈)可确保没有泄漏。在SMT印刷中,采用相同的理论:好的垫片意味着没有焊膏泄漏,并且印刷效果更好。在模版印刷中,当切入模版的孔被牢固地压在相应的垫板上时,就会形成密封。为了获得良好的密封垫,孔径应与垫片尺寸至少为1:1。如果孔口大于垫片,则会导致垫圈不良。我们公司通常建议将孔径减小一密耳(25pm),以确保紧密密封。因此,例如,如果垫板为125pm x 125pm,则建议使用100pm x 100pm的光圈。在所有条件都相同的情况下,这种方法将有助于形成良好的密封垫圈。



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