首页> 外文期刊>Powder Metallurgy >Improvement of rheological properties of Inconel 718 MIM feedstock using tailored particle size distributions

Improvement of rheological properties of Inconel 718 MIM feedstock using tailored particle size distributions

机译:使用定制的粒度分布改善Inconel 718 MIM原料的流变性

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One of the most important stages in the metal injection moulding (MIM) process is feedstock fabrication, since the rheological properties of the feedstock are of crucial importance in the injection moulding step. In the present work, the possibility of replacing a conventional MIM superalloy feedstock (particle size <20 μm) by a mixture of powders with different particle size ranges, to tailor the flow properties, was investigated. Five Inconel 718 feedstocks were prepared with the same binder (HDPE-paraffin wax-stearic acid) and different mixes of four spherical gas atomised powder fractions (<22; 16-45; 45-63; 65-212 μm). The rheological characteristics and processability of each feedstock were evaluated with a capillary rheometer to determine flow index, yield stress and activation energy.
机译:金属注射成型(MIM)过程中最重要的阶段之一是原料制造,因为原料的流变特性在注射成型步骤中至关重要。在目前的工作中,研究了用具有不同粒径范围的粉末混合物替代常规MIM高温合金原料(粒径<20μm)以调节流动性能的可能性。用相同的粘合剂(HDPE-石蜡-硬脂酸)和四种球形气体雾化粉末馏分(<22; 16-45; 45-63; 65-212μm)的不同混合物制备了五种Inconel 718原料。用毛细管流变仪评估每种原料的流变特性和可加工性,以确定流动指数,屈服应力和活化能。



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