首页> 外文期刊>Polish Journal of Environmental Studies >Effect of Magnetic Field Treatment on Germination of Medicinal Plants Salvia officinalis L. and Calendula officinalis L.

Effect of Magnetic Field Treatment on Germination of Medicinal Plants Salvia officinalis L. and Calendula officinalis L.


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Great development in medicinal, spice, and aromatic plant crops has occurred in Mediterranean countries due to their high added value as a consequence of the reappearance of phitotherapy, among other reasons. The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of magnetic treatment, in addition to the geomagnetic field, on germination of Salvia officinalis L. and Calendula officinalis L. seeds. This objective has a practical application in agricultural science: to obtain the early growth of both plants. Groups of 100 seeds were exposed to a 125 mT stationary magnetic field generated by magnets at different times, whereas the other group of 100 seeds was subjected to a magnetic pre-treatment, and non-exposed seeds were used as control. Germination tests were performed under laboratory conditions. The selected germination parameters were: time for the first seed to germinate (T_1), time to reach 10-75% germination (T_(10), T_(25), T_(50), and T_(75)), mean germination time (MGT), and number of germinated seeds (G_(max)), all provided by the Seed calculator software package. The germination parameters recorded for Salvia officinalis L. seeds for each treatment and pre-treatment were lower than corresponding control value. Among the various treatments, chronic exposure to 125 mT provided best results; the MGT was significantly reduced compared to control, parameters (T_1-T_(50)) were also significantly reduced for most treatments. Results obtained for Calendula officinalis L. seeds showed that germination parameters were reduced, in most cases, for magnetic treatment versus control, and all parameters of germination were reduced for pre-treatment versus control. The best results were obtained from chronic exposure. Results indicated that magnetic field application enhanced germination rate and percentage of germinated seed on the treated group compared to the non-exposed in both cases.
机译:在地中海国家,药用植物,香料和芳香植物的种植业取得了长足发展,这归因于光疗技术的重新出现,其高附加值。这项研究的主要目的是确定除地磁场外,磁处理对丹参和金盏菊种子萌发的影响。该目标在农业科学中具有实际应用:获得两种植物的早期生长。每组100个种子在不同的时间暴露于磁体产生的125 mT固定磁场,而另一组100个种子则进行了磁性预处理,未暴露的种子用作对照。发芽试验在实验室条件下进行。选择的发芽参数为:第一颗种子发芽的时间(T_1),达到10-75%发芽的时间(T_(10),T_(25),T_(50)和T_(75)),平均发芽率时间(MGT)和发芽种子数(G_(max)),所有这些都由种子计算器软件包提供。每次处理和预处理的鼠尾草种子的发芽参数均低于相应的对照值。在各种治疗方法中,长期暴露于125 mT的效果最佳。与对照组相比,MGT显着降低,大多数治疗的参数(T_1-T_(50))也显着降低。对于金盏花种子获得的结果表明,在大多数情况下,与对照相比,磁处理的发芽参数降低,而与对照相比,发芽的所有参数均降低。长期接触可获得最佳结果。结果表明,与未暴露相比,磁场处理提高了处理组的发芽率和发芽率。



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