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Mining activity disturbs habitat use of reindeer in Finnmark, Northern Norway


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Anthropogenic activities affect habitat use by Rangifer tarandus, a particularly vulnerable species due to grouping behavior, extensive movements, and grazing ecology. We studied habitat use of GPS-collared reindeer in relation to surface mining activities during the snow-free season in Finnmark, Norway over a period of 7 years. Based on information about the mine's level of operation (amount of people, vehicles, and equipment in operation) and rock blasting schedule, we divided data into high-activity periods (workdays) and low-activity periods (mine closed for ca 2.5 days on weekends and a yearly 3-week holiday period). We further divided workdays into periods with and without rock blasting and associated high-noise days. We found that reindeer significantly reduced habitat use at closer distances to the mine, indicating an influence zone up to 1.5 km. Reductions in use were strongest closest to the mine in high-activity periods. No avoidance effect of the mine was found beyond approximately 0.9 km for the 3-week holidays, 1.0 km for weekends, and 1.5 km for workdays with or without rock blasting. Compared to holidays and weekends, probability of use was reduced by 30-34% within 1.3 km from the mine for workday blasting periods, and up to 35% within 1.4 km for other workdays. Since averted areas can be partly utilized again within days or weeks following intensive mining activity periods, reduced mining activity in crucial periods for reindeer, such as during calving and migration, can be an effective mitigation measure.
机译:人为活动影响Rangifer tarandus的栖息地使用,Rangifer tarandus是一种特别脆弱的物种,由于其成群行为,广泛的活动和放牧的生态环境。在7年的时间内,我们研究了挪威Finnmark的无雪季节中与地面采矿活动有关的GPS领驯鹿的栖息地使用情况。根据有关矿山运营水平(运营中的人员,车辆和设备的数量)和爆破时间表的信息,我们将数据分为高活动时间段(工作日)和低活动时间段(矿山关闭大约2.5天)周末和每年3周的假期)。我们进一步将工作日划分为有无爆破和相关的高噪声时段。我们发现,在距矿山较近的距离上,驯鹿显着减少了栖息地的使用,表明影响区长达1.5公里。在高活动期,减少使用量最接近矿山。在三周假期中大约0.9 km,周末1.0 km和工作日1.5 km(有或没有爆破)的情况下,没有发现避雷效果。与节假日和周末相比,在工作日爆炸期间,距矿山1.3公里以内的使用概率降低了30-34%,对于其他工作日,在1.4公里以内的使用概率降低了35%。由于在密集的采矿活动期后的几天或几周内,可以部分利用避开的地区,因此在驯鹿的关键时期(例如在产犊和迁徙期间)减少采矿活动可以是一种有效的缓解措施。



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