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Holtec can resume loading spent fuel into San Onofre storage vaults: NRC

机译:NRC:Holtec可以继续将乏燃料装载到San Onofre储存库中

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Holtec can resume the loading of spent fuel canisters into storagevaults at Southern California Edison's permanently shut San Onofreplant, nine months after this activity was suspended, NRC said in astatement May 21.Fuel transfers into the vaults was suspended in August after“a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned ... becamestuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault,” the agencysaid (NF, 6 May, 5).NRC cited Holtec April 26 for two violations of agency regulationsrelated to the incident that the agency ranked as severity level III andIV. NRC categorizes violations on a four-level scale in which severitylevel I violations are the most serious, with those rated at severity levelIV representing minor violations.
机译:NRC在5月21日的声明中称,Holtec可以在该活动被暂停九个月后,将乏燃料罐的装载恢复到南加州爱迪生公司永久关闭的San Onofre工厂中的仓库中。 nR说:“在8月,未装载的乏燃料储存罐未对准……在降落到储存库时变成了凸缘,nFuel转移到了储存库中” r n (NF,5月6日,5日)。 r nNRC引用Holtec 4月26日的两次违反机构法规的规定 r n与该机构被列为严重级别III和 r nIV的事件有关。 NRC将违规分为四个级别,其中严重程度为 r nI的违规最为严重,而严重程度级别为 r nIV的违规则表示次要违规。



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