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Two Hanford contracts change hands to URS-owned company and CH2M Hill

机译:汉福德的两份合同移交给了URS拥有的公司和CH2M Hill

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Two major environmental cleanup contracts at the Energy Department's Hanford Site in Washington state changed hands last week, as a division of URS Corporation took over efforts to retrieve nuclear waste from tank farms, and CH2M Hill assumed responsibility for cleaning up the expansive central plateau at the 586-square-mile site. Washington River Protection Solutions, a division of URS, and its partner EnergySolutions took over the tank farm contract, which is worth up to $7.1 billion over 10 years. CH2M Hill held that contract since 1999, but lost out in bidding when DOE awarded the deal in May. The contract is within DOE's Office of River Protection.
机译:上周,由于URS Corporation的一个部门接管了从储罐场中回收核废料的工作,华盛顿州能源局汉福德基地的两项主要环境清理合同易手,CH2M Hill承担了清理该州广阔的中央高原的责任。 586平方英里的场地。 URS的子公司华盛顿河保护解决方案公司及其合作伙伴EnergySolutions接管了油罐厂合同,该合同在10年内价值高达71亿美元。 CH2M Hill自1999年以来一直持有该合同,但在5月美国能源部授予该交易时,却因竞标而失败。该合同在美国能源部的河道保护办公室内。



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