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$5M donation ends forced furloughs at DOE's Fermilab; layoffs still likely


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After feeling the pinch of funding cuts for the Energy Department's laboratories, Chicago's Fermi National Laboratory got a small respite last week in the form of a $5-million anonymous donation, allowing it to scrap plans for continued forced furloughs. In order to deal with a $52-million funding shortfall in fiscal 2008 appropriations, Fermilab had instituted a system of mandatory furloughs that was to last through the end of the year. The program required all employees to take time off, with hourly workers taking two days of unpaid vacation every month, and salaried workers taking one week of unpaid vacation every two months. Fermilab Director Pier Oddone said at an all-hands meeting at the lab on May 16 that the donation was "quite encouraging, quite astounding as a symbol of support" for the lab and its work. "This is very unusual. It is not a building that carries a name. It is really a commitment to science in the nation," Oddone said. Oddone said the donation came from an Illinois family, but he added that the donor wished to remain anonymous. While the donation will allow employees to go back to work full time, a plan to lay off 140 of the lab's 1,900 employees will still go forward, according to lab spokesman Kurt Riesselmann. Beginning next month, the lab will proceed with voluntary layoffs, and move to involuntary layoffs in July if 140 people have not decided to leave on their own.
机译:在感觉到能源部实验室的资金削减的紧缩之后,芝加哥的费米国家实验室在上周以500万美元的匿名捐款的形式得到了小幅喘息,使其得以取消继续强迫休假的计划。为了解决2008财年拨款中的5,200万美元资金短缺,费米实验室建立了一个强制性休假制度,该制度将持续到今年年底。该计划要求所有员工请假,每小时一小时的工人每月休两天无薪假期,带薪工人每两个月休一周无薪假期。费米实验室主任皮埃尔·奥多内(Pier Oddone)在5月16日举行的实验室全体会议上表示,该捐赠“相当令人鼓舞,这是对实验室及其工作的令人震惊的象征”。奥多内说:“这是非常不寻常的。这不是一栋名符其实的建筑。这实际上是对国家科学的承诺。”奥多内说,捐赠来自伊利诺伊州的一个家庭,但他补充说,捐赠者希望保持匿名。实验室发言人库尔特·里塞尔曼(Kurt Riesselmann)表示,尽管捐款将使员工能够全职工作,但仍将继续解雇该实验室1900名员工中的140名的计划。从下个月开始,该实验室将继续进行自愿裁员,如果140人还没有决定自己离开,那么实验室将在7月转为非自愿裁员。



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