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Natural gas flaring, venting hit all-time high in Permian Basin: study


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Natural gas flaring in the Permian Basin hit a record high this month,even surpassing volumes flared in the Bakken, and is expected toremain above 650 MMcf/d until Gulf Coast Express Pipeline comesonline later this year.Infrastructure issues coupled with a lack of sufficient takeawaycapacity in the basin, located in West Texas and southeastern NewMexico, caused flaring and venting to average as much as 661 MMcf/dover the first quarter of the year, according to a study released thisweek by Rystad Energy. “We anticipate that basin-wide flaring will stayabove 650 MMcf/d before the Gulf Coast Express pipeline comes onlinein the second half of 2019,” said Artem Abramov, head of shaleresearch at Rystad.
机译:二叠纪盆地的天然气燃烧着这个月的历史新高,甚至超过Bakken的速度超过了卷,预计将是仍然高于650 mmcf / d,直到海湾海岸快递管道今年晚些时候在线。基础设施问题加上缺乏足够的外卖盆地的能力,位于西德克萨斯州西德克萨斯州和东南部墨西哥,燃烧并通风平均高达661 mmc / d在一年中的第一季度,根据一项研究发布了这一点一周由Rystad Energy。 “我们预计盆地燃烧会留下来在Gulf Coard Express Pipeline上市之前,在650 mmcf / d以上在2019年下半年,“Shale负责人Artem Abramov说Rystad的研究。



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