首页> 外文期刊>Plant Systematics and Evolution >Altingioxylon hainanensis sp. nov.: earliest fossil wood record of the family Altingiaceae in Eastern Asia and its implications for historical biogeography

Altingioxylon hainanensis sp. nov.: earliest fossil wood record of the family Altingiaceae in Eastern Asia and its implications for historical biogeography

机译:海南阿丁i 11月:东亚Altingiaceae科的最早化石记录及其对历史生物地理学的启示

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A new species, Altingioxylon hainanensis, is described from the Eocene Changchang Formation of the Changchang Basin on Hainan Island, South China. It is the first record of a fossil wood assigned to Altingiaceae found in China, and the most ancient evidence of wood for this family in eastern Asia. The new species is similar to A. rhodoleioides, known since the Miocene in India and Java Island, and to Altingia hisauchii from the Miocene to Pliocene of Japan. The close resemblance between these species and Liquidambar sp., known from the Middle Miocene of western North America, provides additional evidence for the migration of their ancestors from Asia to North America across the Bering land bridge during the Miocene. Distinctions in ray sizes between the eastern Asian specimens and their contemporaries from Europe to Kazakhstan is suggested as a result of the divergence between the large eastern Asian clade and the North American–west Asian clade within Altingiaceae during the Eocene–Oligocene. The presence of crystals in ray cells may be considered an ancestral condition that persists in the eastern Asian lineages up to the extant Altingia and Semiliquidambar, but which was lost in other Altingiaceae in the course of evolution.
机译:从中国南方海南岛长昌盆地始新世长昌组中描述了一个新物种,海南紫丁香。这是在中国发现的最早分配给丁香科的化石的记录,也是东亚这个家族最古老的木材证据。新物种类似于印度和爪哇岛的中新世以来已​​知的杜鹃花红假单胞菌,以及日本的中新世到上新世的历史悠久的阿尔汀古猿。这些物种与北美西部中新世中期已知的Liquidambar sp。之间的相似之处,为中新世期间其祖先从亚洲到北美洲跨越白令陆桥的迁移提供了更多证据。由于始新世-渐新世期间大型东亚进化枝与北丁香科内的北美-西亚进化枝之间存在差异,因此建议将东亚标本与同期从欧洲到哈萨克斯坦的射线大小区分开。射线细胞中晶体的存在可能被认为是一种祖先条件,它在东亚血统中一直存在,直到现存的阿尔丁西亚和半液体枫香,但是在进化过程中在其他阿尔丁西亚科中却消失了。



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