首页> 外文期刊>Plant Cell Reports >Artificial synthesis of interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard (Brassica juncea) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and cytological analysis

Artificial synthesis of interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard (Brassica juncea) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and cytological analysis

机译:芥菜(Brassica juncea)和白菜(Brassica oleracea)之间种间嵌合体的人工合成和细胞学分析

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Interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard and red cabbage were obtained by in vitro graft-culture method. Before grafting, 6-day-old seedlings of tuber mustard and red cabbage were vertically half-cut and treated with different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA for 1 min, then, they were symmetrically fit together. As a result, sectorial chimeras were initially produced from the united shoot tips. The maximum frequency of chimeral bud formation reached 6.33% when the vertical sections of tuber mustard and cabbage were treated with 2 mg/l 6-BA and 1 mg/l NAA. When sectorial chimeras were propagated on MS medium containing 1 mg/l 6-BA, periclinal and mericlinal chimeras gradually developed. Chimeral shoots were rooted on half-strength MS medium containing 0.1 mg/l NAA. The rooted chimeras were acclimatized and transferred to the field for cytological and morphological analysis. The results showed that stomata density in the chimeras was significantly higher than that of their parents, while chloroplast size, starch grain size and number were intermediate between the two parents. The chimeras were further analyzed by flow cytometry, and the results indicated that they contained both sets of parental chromosomes. Moreover, chimeral plants possessed valuable characters from the two parents.
机译:通过体外嫁接培养获得块茎芥菜和赤白菜之间的种间嵌合体。嫁接前,将六天大的块茎芥菜和小白菜幼苗垂直切成一半,并用不同浓度的6-BA和NAA处理1分钟,然后对称地组合在一起。结果,最初从联合的芽尖端产生扇形嵌合体。用2 mg / l的6-BA和1 mg / l的NAA处理块茎芥菜和卷心菜的垂直切片时,嵌合体芽形成的最大频率达到6.33%。当扇形嵌合体在含有1 mg / l 6-BA的MS培养基上繁殖时,周缘和半月形嵌合体逐渐形成。嵌合芽生长在含有0.1 mg / l NAA的半强度MS培养基上。使生根的嵌合体适应并转移到田间进行细胞学和形态学分析。结果表明,嵌合体的气孔密度显着高于其亲本,而叶绿体大小,淀粉粒大小和数量在两个亲本之间居中。通过流式细胞术进一步分析嵌合体,结果表明它们包含两组亲本染色体。此外,嵌合植物具有两个亲本的宝贵特征。



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