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Gravity anomalies and crustal structure of the Lunar far side highlands


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The far side of the lunar hemisphere is dominated by a large number of impact craters having a smaller diameter and few Mare basins compared to the near side of the Moon. This study presents a detailed analyses of gravity anomalies derived from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission and topography over the central equatorial region of Lunar far side covering the major impact basins such as Dirichlet-Jackson, Korolev, Hertzsprung and adjoining regions of the highlands, to understand sub-surface structure. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the region is prepared using the density of 2.7 g/cc, which is estimated using fractals based approach. The spectral analyses using Maximum Entropy Method of calculated Bouguer anomaly and topography provided an estimated of Effective Elastic Thickness (Te) as 19 km and also a cut-off wavelength of 270 km for separating Regional and residual Bouguer gravity anomalies. Further a crustal thickness of this region of Moon is estimated by inversion of regional Bouguer gravity anomalies, which varies from 20 to 71 km.An estimated crustal thickness of Dirichlet Jackson and Hertzpsrung, Korolev basins varies between 39 and 65 km, 20–65 km and 39–64 km, respectively. The residual gravity anomaly map shows symmetric gravity highs and lows in Dirichlet-Jackson, Hertzsprung and Korolev basins. These gravity highs can be attributed to high-density mare basalts within inner rims of these basins. The observed nature of gravity anomalies and crustal thickness map can be attributed to the buried impact crater under this region.
机译:与月球的近侧相比,月球半球的远端由大量具有较小直径的撞击坑和几乎没有母马盆地组成。这项研究提供了对重力异常的详细分析,这些重力异常是由重力恢复和内部实验室(GRAIL)的任务和地形形成的,位于月球中央赤道远侧,覆盖了主要的影响盆地,例如Dirichlet-Jackson,Korolev,Hertzsprung及其附近地区高地,了解地下结构。该区域的布格重力异常图是使用2.7 g / cc的密度绘制的,该密度是使用基于分形的方法估算的。使用最大熵方法计算的布格异常和地形的光谱分析提供了估计的有效弹性厚度(Te)为19 estimatedkm,并且还提供了一个270 km的截止波长,用于分离区域性布格和残余布格重力异常。通过区域布格重力反演反演,可以估算出月球这一地区的地壳厚度,其范围在20至71 km之间。科罗廖夫盆地Dirichlet Jackson和Hertzpsrung的估计地壳厚度在20至65 km之间,在39至65 km之间。和39–64 km。残留重力异常图显示了Dirichlet-Jackson,Hertzsprung和Korolev盆地的对称重力高低。这些重力高可归因于这些盆地内缘的高密度母玄武岩。观测到的重力异常和地壳厚度图的性质可以归因于该区域下方的埋藏式撞击坑。



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