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Camilla: A centaur reconnaissance and impact mission concept


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Centaurs, minor planets with a semi-major axis between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune (5-30 AU), are thought to be among the most diverse small bodies in the solar system. These important targets for future missions may have recently been Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), which are thought to be chemically and physically primitive remnants of the early solar system. While the Kuiper Belt spans distances of 30-50 AU, making direct observations difficult, Centaurs' proximity to the Earth and Sun make them more accessible targets for robotic missions. Thus, we outline a mission concept designed to reconnoiter 10199 Chariklo, the largest Centaur and smallest ringed body yet discovered. Named for a legendary Centaur tamer, the conceptual Camilla mission is designed to fit under the cost cap of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) New Frontiers program, leveraging a conservative payload to support a foundational scientific investigation to these primitive bodies. Specifically, the single flyby encounter utilizes a combined high-resolution camera/VIS-IR mapping spectrometer, a sub-mm point spectrometer, and a UV mapping spectrometer. In addition, the mission concept utilizes a kinetic impactor, which would provide the first opportunity to sample the composition of potentially primitive subsurface material beyond Saturn, thus providing key insights into solar system origins. Such a flyby of the Chariklo system would provide a linchpin in the understanding of small body composition, evolution, and transport of materials in the solar system.
机译:半人马座是在木星和海王星(5-30 AU)轨道之间具有半长轴的小行星,被认为是太阳系中最多样化的小天体之一。这些可能成为未来任务的重要目标,最近可能是柯伊伯带天体(KBOs),被认为是早期太阳系的化学和物理原始残余。柯伊伯带跨越30-50 AU的距离,使直接观察变得困难,而半人马座靠近地球和太阳,这使它们成为机器人任务更容易接近的目标。因此,我们概述了一个任务概念,旨在侦察10199 Chariklo,这是迄今为止发现的最大的半人马座和最小的环状身体。 Camilla任务以传奇的Centaur驯兽师的名字命名,旨在符合美国国家航空航天局(NASA)新前沿计划的成本上限,并利用保守的有效载荷来支持对这些原始物体进行基础科学研究。具体而言,单次飞越相遇利用组合的高分辨率相机/ VIS-IR映射光谱仪,亚毫米点光谱仪和UV光谱仪。此外,任务概念还利用了动能冲击器,这将提供第一个机会来采样土星以外潜在的原始地下物质的成分,从而提供对太阳系起源的关键见解。 Chariklo系统的这种飞越将为理解太阳系中小物体的组成,演化和物质传输提供关键。



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