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Ground-based Astrometric Observations Of Latitude For Improvedreference Frame


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The Commission 19 (Earth Rotation) of the International Astronomical Union-IAU established the Working Group on Earth Rotation in the Hipparcos Reference Frame-WG ERHRF at 1995 to collect the optical observations of latitude and universal time variations, made during 1899.7-1992.0 in line with Earth orientation programmes (to derive Earth Orientation Parameters-EOP), with Dr. Jan Vondrak (Astronomical Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) as the head of WG ERHRF. Dr. Vondrak collected about 4.4 million optical observations of latitude/universal time variations made at 33 observatories. These data were used for EOP investigations, Hipparcos Catalogue-radio sources connection, etc. Nowadays, it is used to correct the positions and proper motions of stars of Hipparcos Catalogue (as an optical reference frame) using ground-based observations of some Hipparcos stars. After Hipparcos Catalogue, some new astrometric catalogues appeared (as ARIHIP, EOC-2, etc.) with better accuracy of proper motions. We use the latitude observations made by visual zenith-telescope (ZT), as classical astrometric instrument, at seven observatories (all over the world) of International Latitude Service-ILS. The observations were used in the programmes of monitoring the Earth orientation during the 20th century. We received the data from Dr. Vondrak via private communication. The observatories are Carloforte-CA, Cincinnati-CI, Gaithersburg-GT, Kitab-KZ, Mizusawa-MZZ, Tschardjui-TS and Ukiah-UK. The task is to improve proper motions in declination of the observed Hipparcos stars. The original method was developed. We removed from the instantaneous observed latitudes, all known effects (polar motion and some local instrumental errors), and the corrected latitudes were then the input data to calculate the corrections of Hipparcos proper motions in declination using the least squares method-LSM with the linear model. We did an improvement of Hipparcos proper motions in declination via mentioned latitude variations with time by using a long-term (a few decades) visual zenith-telescope data of ILS. The calculated results were compared with the ARIHIP and EOC-2 data, and the consistency were good. The main steps of the calculations and some of the results are presented here.
机译:国际天文学联合会(IAU)的委员会19(地球自转)于1995年在Hipparcos参考框架WG ERHRF中建立了地球自转工作组,以收集在1899.7-1992.0期间进行的纬度和世界时间变化的光学观测包括地球定向计划(以得出地球定向参数-EOP),由捷克共和国科学院天文学研究所的Jan Vondrak博士担任ERHRF工作组负责人。 Vondrak博士收集了33个观测站进行的约440万次纬度/全球时间变化的光学观测。这些数据用于EOP研究,Hipparcos目录-无线电源连接等。如今,通过对一些Hipparcos星的地面观测,将其用于校正Hipparcos目录(作为光学参考系)的恒星的位置和适当运动。 。在Hipparcos目录之后,出现了一些新的天文目录(如ARIHIP,EOC-2等),具有更好的正确运动精度。我们在国际纬度服务-ILS的七个观测站(世界各地)使用由天顶天文望远镜(ZT)进行的纬度观测作为经典的天文测量仪器。这些观测结果被用于20世纪监测地球方向的程序中。我们通过私人通讯从Vondrak博士那里收到了数据。天文台是卡洛福尔特-CA,辛辛那提-CI,盖瑟斯堡-GT,基塔布-KZ,水泽-MZZ,查沙伊-TS和乌基亚-英国。任务是改善观测到的Hipparcos恒星偏角的适当运动。最初的方法被开发出来。我们从瞬时观测到的纬度中删除了所有已知的影响(极地运动和一些局部仪器误差),然后将校正后的纬度作为输入数据,以使用最小二乘法-LSM和线性来计算Hipparcos偏斜运动的校正模型。我们通过使用ILS的长期(几十年)视觉天顶望远镜数据,通过提及的纬度随时间变化,改善了Hipparcos偏角运动。将计算结果与ARIHIP和EOC-2数据进行了比较,一致性很好。这里介绍了计算的主要步骤和一些结果。



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