首页> 外文期刊>Planetary and space science >Heavy ion reflection and heating by collisionless shocks in polar solar corona

Heavy ion reflection and heating by collisionless shocks in polar solar corona


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We propose a new model for explaining the observations of preferential heating of heavy ions in the polar solar corona. We consider that a large number of small scale shock waves can be present in the solar corona, as suggested by recent observations of polar coronal jets by the Hinode and STEREO spacecraft. The heavy ion energization mechanism is, essentially, the ion reflection off supercritical quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks in the corona and the subsequent acceleration by the motional electric field E= -(l/c)V x B. The acceleration due to E is perpendicular to the magnetic field, giving rise to large temperature anisotropy with T_⊥ > T_11, which can excite ion cyclotron waves. Also, heating is more than mass proportional with respect to protons, because the heavy ion orbit is mostly upstream of the quasi-perpendicular shock foot. The observed temperature ratios between O~(5+) ions and protons in the polar corona, and between a particles and protons in the solar wind are easily recovered. We also discuss the mechanism of heavy ion reflection, which is based on ion gyration in the magnetic overshoot of the shock.
机译:我们提出了一个新的模型来解释在极性太阳日冕中优先加热重离子的现象。我们认为,正如Hinode和STEREO航天器最近对极日冕射流的观测所表明的那样,日冕中可能存在大量的小规模冲击波。重离子激励机制本质上是离子从电晕中的超临界准垂直无碰撞冲击中反射出来,以及随后由运动电场产生的加速度E =-(l / c)V xB。由于E而产生的加速度是垂直的T_> T_11会引起较大的温度各向异性,从而激发离子回旋波。同样,相对于质子,加热超过质量成比例,因为重离子轨道主要位于准垂直电击脚的上游。极性电晕中O〜(5+)离子与质子之间以及太阳风中粒子与质子之间的温度比很容易恢复。我们还讨论了重离子反射的机制,该机制基于震动的磁超调中的离子回转。



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