首页> 外文期刊>Planetary and space science >The meteoroid streams crossing the frequently outbursting comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann

The meteoroid streams crossing the frequently outbursting comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann

机译:流经频繁爆发的彗星的流星体29P / Schwassmann-Wachmann

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In our theoretical work, the meteoroid impacts are examined as the mechanism of frequent outbursts in brightness of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann. We qualitatively analyze if a meteoroid impact is able to cause an observable outburst. The answer is positive for some reasonable ranges of the input parameters entering the analysis. Further, we search for the close approaches of periodic comets and minor planets to the orbit of 29P. Assuming that these comets and some asteroids associate their meteoroid streams, the short 29P's orbital arcs at these approaches are, at the same time, the crossing zones with the meteoroid streams, where an impact can occur. We found several tens such crossing zones, but only (with a single exception) on the half-arc of the 29P's orbit centered on the aphelion. This result is inconsistent with the observed distribution of the outbursts, which have been detected mainly on the post-perihelion arc of the comet orbit. Hence, the meteoroid impacts probably do not cause the observed outbursts of 29P.
机译:在我们的理论工作中,流星撞击被作为29P / Schwassmann-Wachmann彗星亮度频繁爆发的机制进行了研究。我们定性地分析了流星撞击是否能够引起爆发。对于进入分析的输入参数的合理范围,答案是肯定的。此外,我们搜索周期彗星和小行星接近29P轨道的方法。假设这些彗星和一些小行星将它们的流星体联系在一起,则这些方法中的短29P轨道弧同时也是流星体与流的交叉区域,在此可能发生撞击。我们发现了几十个这样的穿越区,但只有(只有一个例外)位于以天顶为中心的29P轨道半弧上。该结果与观测到的爆发分布不一致,后者主要是在彗星轨道的近日点弧后发现的。因此,流星撞击可能不会引起观测到的29P爆发。



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