首页> 外文期刊>Physical review. B, Condensed Matter And Materials Physics >Low-temperature dielectric relaxation of molecular glasses: Crossover from the nearly constant loss to the tunneling regime

Low-temperature dielectric relaxation of molecular glasses: Crossover from the nearly constant loss to the tunneling regime


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The dielectric loss of molecular glasses was investigated from the glass transition temperature T_g down to 2 K, for glycerol down to 0.1 K, in the frequency range 50 Hz-20 kHz. The systems studied here do not exhibit a β process. Three distinct relaxation regimes are identified, namely nearly constant loss (NCL), thermally activated dynamics in asymmetric double well potentials (ADWP), and tunneling. The NCL (0.35 < T/T_g < 1), described by ε″(v)∝v~(-γ) with γ=0.09-0.21, exhibits the characteristic exponential temperature dependence. The ADWP dynamics (0.05 < T/T_g < 0.35) resembles that of silica. At lowest temperatures (2-6 K) the tunneling plateau is reached. This is associated with a power law spectrum revealing a universal positive exponent that agrees well with that reported for ionic, inorganic and polymeric glasses. The so-called 'plateau strength' C=(2/π)·tan δ=Pμ~2/(3ε_0ε_r) is determined.
机译:从低至2 K的玻璃化转变温度T_g(对于低至0.1 K的甘油)在50 Hz-20 kHz的频率下研究了分子玻璃的介电损耗。这里研究的系统没有表现出β过程。确定了三种不同的弛豫机制,即近恒定损耗(NCL),非对称双阱势能(ADWP)中的热激活动力学和隧穿。 NCL(0.35



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