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Putting Powers Back on Multi-Track


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Power theorists are divided on the question of whether individual powers are single-track (for a single manifestation type) or are multi-track (capable of producing distinct manifestation types for distinct stimuli). EJ Lowe has recently defended single-tracking, arguing that the multi-tracker can provide no adequate reason for treating powers as capable of having multiple manifestation types, and claiming that putative instances of multi-track powers are either single-track powers in need of unifying descriptions or are merely several single-track powers. I respond to Lowe on behalf of the multi-tracker, first by arguing that he overlooks the extra-empirical features of the debate, then by posing a dilemma for any single-track account of powers concerning the single-tracker’s ability to appropriately deal with fine-grained manifestation types. Finally I provide the aforementioned reason for thinking that there are multi-track powers.
机译:权力理论家在单个权力是单轨(针对一种表现形式)还是多轨(能够针对不同刺激产生不同表现类型)的问题上分歧。 EJ Lowe最近为单轨辩护,辩称多轨跟踪器无法提供充分的理由将权力视为具有多种表现类型的能力,并声称多轨权力的推定实例要么是单轨权力,要么需要统一描述或仅仅是几种单轨力量。我代表多追踪者回应洛威,首先论证他忽略了辩论的经验外特征,然后对任何有关单追踪者适当处理能力的单轨权力提出了一个难题。细粒度的表现类型。最后,我提供了上述考虑多轨权力的理由。



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