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Technomoral Civic Virtues: a Critical Appreciation of Shannon Vallor's Technology and the Virtues


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This paper begins by summarizing the chief, original contributions to technology ethics in Shannon Vallor’s recent book, Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting (Vallor 2016), highlighting especially the book’s distinctive inclusion of not only the western virtue ethics tradition but also the analogous traditions in Buddhist and Confucian ethics. But the main point of the paper is to suggest that the theoretical framework developed in the book be extended to include an analysis of the distinctive civic virtues that are crucial to the well functioning of communities of makers, marketers, consumers, and regulators of technology, constituting, as it were, technomoral civic virtue ethics. It is suggested that prominent among these civic virtues is what is dubbed “Socratism,” the habit of regular querying of community aims and practices for the purpose of keeping community action focused on the goods internal to community practice, and the goods of the larger communities in which these local communities are embedded.
机译:本文首先总结了香农·瓦勒(Shannon Vallor)最近的著作《技术与美德:未来值得匮乏的哲学指南》(Vallor 2016)中对技术伦理的主要,原创性贡献,特别着重强调了该书独特地包含了西方道德伦理传统以及佛教和儒家伦理中的类似传统。但是,本文的主要目的是建议扩展本书中开发的理论框架,以包括对独特的公民美德的分析,这些公民美德对于制造商,市场营销商,消费者和技术监管者社区的良好运转至关重要,构成了技术公民公民道德。建议在这些公民美德中突出的是所谓的“苏格拉底主义”,这是定期查询社区目标和做法的习惯,目的是使社区行动的重点放在社区实践内部的商品和较大社区的商品上这些本地社区嵌入其中。



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