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Hutchison speeds toward its date with destiny


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The Moment Of Truth is fast approaching for Hutchison 3G. As the wireless industry waits with bated breath for Hutchison to launch the first UMTS services in the UK and Italy later this year, it remains to be seen if the greenfield operator will fulfill its promise of delivering multimedia services over wireless phones to the mass market—let alone make money doing so. Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong tycoon behind H3G, has proved a lot of skeptics wrong in the past. While Rabbit, his first foray into the UK market, was a flop, his second, with Orange, was a big hit. According to company officials, Li is itching to prove skeptics wrong this time as well. The odds are a lot greater now, however, and many industry insiders believe they are stacked too heavily against Hutchison's global ambitions to become a pure 3G wireless play. According to senior company officials, H3G still anticipates launching its WCDMA-based 3G wireless services in the UK and Italy by September-followed by service launches in Sweden, Austria, and Australia by the end of 2003 and Denmark sometime after that. At a recent closed-door presentation to invited industry analysts in London-a meeting that lasted four hours-H3G senior management re-emphasized plans to launch in September, despite rumors that it will be forced to put the launch off because of handset delays and network-optimization problems.
机译:和记3G即将到来的关键时刻。随着无线行业喘口气等待和记黄埔在今年晚些时候在英国和意大利推出首个UMTS服务,这家未开发的运营商能否兑现其通过无线电话向大众市场提供多媒体服务的承诺,还有待观察。更不用说赚钱了。 H3G背后的香港大亨李嘉诚过去曾被许多怀疑论者证明是错误的。兔子(Rabbit)首次进入英国市场是一个失败,而他的第二次与Orange(橙色)则受到了很大的打击。据公司官员称,李彦宏这次也想证明怀疑论者是错误的。然而,现在的可能性更大了,许多行业内部人士认为,它们和记黄埔的全球野心过于沉重,无法成为纯3G无线游戏。据公司高级官员称,H3G仍预计将在9月在英国和意大利推出其基于WCDMA的3G无线服务,随后将在2003年底在瑞典,奥地利和澳大利亚以及此后的某个时间在丹麦推出服务。在持续了四个小时的伦敦会议上,最近一次闭门演讲在伦敦举行,会议持续了四个小时,H3G高级管理层再次强调了计划于9月推出的计划,尽管有传言称,由于手机的延迟以及网络优化问题。



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