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Vendors quantify opex saving and time-to-market benefits of IMS


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The IMS business case will be as much about reducing churn and opex and accelerating time-to-market as it is about earning revenues from lucrative new applications, vendors say. The IMS advantage lies in its ability to combine services, thereby locking in the end user and setting up applications rapidly, potentially for a relatively small user base that it would not have been viable to serve before. Vendors say that, according to operator business cases, IMS and core-network upgrades can reduce a carrier's operational costs substantially - 20-25%, according to Lucent, or 38%, according to IBM. Cisco suggests that a 10 million-subscriber network is able to see an operational saving of US$50-80 million over three to four years, largely in the transport portion of the networks.
机译:供应商说,IMS商业案例将不仅与减少流失和运营支出以及加快产品上市时间有关,而且与从利润丰厚的新应用程序中获得收入有关。 IMS的优势在于其合并服务的能力,从而锁定了最终用户并快速设置了应用程序,这可能对于相对较小的用户群来说是不可能的。厂商表示,根据运营商的业务案例,IMS和核心网络升级可以大幅降低运营商的运营成本-根据朗讯,降低20-25%,根据IBM,降低38%。思科建议,一个拥有1000万用户的网络能够在三到四年内节省50-8000万美元的运营成本,主要是在网络的传输部分。



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