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Brief Description of Oil Sands Areas


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As the foregoing discussions suggest, each oil sands area is unique in terms of its specific strati-graphic and structural character, original deposi-tional settings, resulting lithofacies and distribution of bitumen saturation. This strongly suggests that different recovery methods may be appropriate to each area, or that similar techniques may need to be adapted in each case to different types of reservoirs. The total oil sands area accessible to surface mining (overburden < 75 m) includes 37 townships immediately north of Fort McMurray (Fig. 4.23). This leaves the great majority of the Athabasca Oil Sands Area and all of the Peace River and Cold Lake areas to be developed by in situ methods. The heterogeneity of the McMurray, Clearwater and Bluesky reservoirs across this large region will likely prove a challenge to optimal recovery for some time. Continued geologic and geophysical study, on both a local and regional basis, will be necessary to help identify, test, fine-tune and implement techniques over time.
机译:正如前面的讨论所暗示的,每个油砂区域在其特定的地层和结构特征,原始沉积环境,岩相和沥青饱和度分布方面都是独特的。这有力地表明,不同的采收方法可能适用于每个地区,或者在每种情况下都可能需要针对不同类型的储层采用相似的技术。可供露天开采的油砂总面积(覆盖层<75 m)包括麦克默里堡以北的37个乡镇(图4.23)。这就使得阿萨巴斯卡油砂区以及和平河和冷湖区的绝大部分都可以通过原位开发。横跨这一大区域的McMurray,Clearwater和Bluesky油藏的非均质性可能会在一段时间内证明对最佳采收率构成挑战。有必要在本地和区域进行持续的地质和地球物理研究,以帮助随着时间的推移识别,测试,微调和实施技术。



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