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The Media of Power, the Power of Media


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This essay combines international political economy with a critical political economy of media perspective that recognizes the crucial role of transnational media corporations (tnmc) in building consent for neoliberal globalization. Media are found to be instrumental for consolidating transnational capitalist hegemony-creating a popular culture based on individualism, deference to authority, and consumerism. tnmcs consolidate diverse national media for the production of hybrid programming that features multiple local images and symbols wrapped in consumerist ideology and narratives. Examples from animation reveal consistent themes in tnmc content that entertain and appeal to diverse audiences, illustrating media's persuasive messages essential to the cultural hegemony of transnational capitalist leadership.
机译:本文将国际政治经济学与媒体角度的批判性政治经济学相结合,认识到跨国媒体公司(tnmc)在建立对新自由主义全球化的认同中的关键作用。媒体被发现有助于巩固跨国资本主义霸权-建立一种基于个人主义,尊重权威和消费主义的大众文化。 tnmcs整合了各种国家媒体,以生产混合节目,这些节目以消费者主义意识形态和叙述中包裹的多个本地图像和符号为特征。动画中的例子揭示了tnmc内容中一致的主题,这些主题可以娱乐并吸引不同的受众,说明了媒体的说服性信息对于跨国资本主义领导层的文化霸权至关重要。



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