首页> 外文期刊>Performance evaluation review >Oblivious Routing for Fat-Tree Based System Area Networks with Uncertain Traffic Demands

Oblivious Routing for Fat-Tree Based System Area Networks with Uncertain Traffic Demands


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Fat-tree based system area networks have been widely adopted in high performance computing clusters. In such systems, the routing is often deterministic and the traffic demand is usually uncertain and changing. In this paper, we study routing performance on fat-tree based system area networks with deterministic routing under the assumption that the traffic demand is uncertain. The performance of a routing algorithm under uncertain traffic demands is characterized by the oblivious performance ratio that bounds the relative performance of the routing algorithm and the optimal routing algorithm for any given traffic demand. We consider both single path routing where the traffic between each source-destination pair follows one path, and multi-path routing where multiple paths can be used for the traffic between a source-destination pair. We derive lower bounds of the oblivious performance ratio of any single path routing scheme for fat-tree topologies and develop single path oblivious routing schemes that achieve the optimal oblivious performance ratio for commonly used fat-tree topologies. These oblivious routing schemes provide the best performance guarantees among all single path routing algorithms under uncertain traffic demands. For multi-path routing, we show that it is possible to obtain a scheme that is optimal for any traffic demand (an oblivious performance ratio of 1) on the fat-tree topology. These results quantitatively demonstrate that single path routing cannot guarantee high routing performance while multi-path routing is very effective in balancing network loads on the fat-tree topology.



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