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Local transmission of the eye worm Thelazia callipaeda in southern Germany

机译:德国南部眼蠕虫Thelazia callipaeda的局部传播

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This report describes the first assumed locally transmitted case of the eye worm Thelazia callipaeda in a dog living in southern Germany. A 4-year-old male golden retriever from the town of Bühl in north eastern Baden-Württemberg, about 10 km from the German–French border, showed one sided lacrimation for over 2 weeks. Despite the application of antibiotics, there was no improvement, and the dog additionally showed blepharospasmus, epiphora and red conjunctivas. A deepened eye inspection revealed five whitish filiform parasites that were morphologically identified as T. callipaeda. The partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (cox1, 605 bp) from one specimen revealed a novel haplotype, which differs by 1.3% from the only one (haplotype 1) identified in Europe so far. Since the infected dog had never been abroad with the exception of two daytrips to the close Alsace region in France, the transmission of T. callipaeda most probably was domestic. With the presence of end hosts and Phortica flies nourishing on lachrymal secretions acting as intermediate hosts and an increasing number of dogs travelling to and coming from endemic regions in the South, the establishment of T. callipaeda in large parts of Europe cannot be excluded.
机译:该报告描述了在德国南部的一只狗中首次假定的本地传播的蠕虫Thelazia callipaeda病例。来自德国-法国边境约10公里处的巴登-符腾堡州东北部比尔镇的一名4岁雄性金毛寻回犬出现了两周以上的流泪。尽管使用了抗生素,但没有任何改善,并且该狗还表现出眼睑睑裂,泪溢和红色结膜。深入的眼睛检查发现,形态上被鉴定为T. callipaeda的五个发白丝状寄生虫。来自一个标本的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1基因(cox1,605 bp)的部分序列揭示了一种新的单倍型,与迄今为止在欧洲鉴定出的唯一一个单倍型(单倍型1)相差1.3%。由于被感染的狗除了到法国阿尔萨斯附近地区进行了两天的旅行外从未去过国外,因此T. callipaeda的传播极有可能是国内传播。由于存在最终宿主和滋养了作为中间宿主的泪腺分泌物的果蝇,并且越来越多的狗往返于南部的流行地区,因此不能排除在欧洲大部分地区建立T. callipaeda的情况。



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