首页> 外文期刊>Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on >Network Immunization with Distributed Autonomy-Oriented Entities

Network Immunization with Distributed Autonomy-Oriented Entities


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Many communication systems, e.g., internet, can be modeled as complex networks. For such networks, immunization strategies are necessary for preventing malicious attacks or viruses being percolated from a node to its neighboring nodes following their connectivities. In recent years, various immunization strategies have been proposed and demonstrated, most of which rest on the assumptions that the strategies can be executed in a centralized manner and/or that the complex network at hand is reasonably stable (its topology will not change overtime). In other words, it would be difficult to apply them in a decentralized network environment, as often found in the real world. In this paper, we propose a decentralized and scalable immunization strategy based on a self-organized computing approach called autonomy-oriented computing (AOC) [1], [2]. In this strategy, autonomous behavior-based entities are deployed in a decentralized network, and are capable of collectively finding those nodes with high degrees of conductivities (i.e., those that can readily spread viruses). Through experiments involving both synthetic and real-world networks, we demonstrate that this strategy can effectively and efficiently locate highly-connected nodes in decentralized complex network environments of various topologies, and it is also scalable in handling large-scale decentralized networks. We have compared our strategy with some of the well-known strategies, including acquaintance and covering strategies on both synthetic and real-world networks.
机译:许多通信系统,例如互联网,可以被建模为复杂的网络。对于这样的网络,免疫策略对于防止恶意攻击或病毒在其连接后从一个节点渗透到其相邻节点是必需的。近年来,已经提出并证明了各种免疫策略,其中大多数基于这样的假设:可以以集中方式执行策略和/或手头的复杂网络相当稳定(其拓扑不会随时间变化)。 。换句话说,很难在现实世界中经常发现的分散网络环境中应用它们。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于自组织计算方法的分散,可扩展的免疫策略,该方法称为“面向自主的计算(AOC)” [1],[2]。在这种策略中,基于自治行为的实体被部署在分散的网络中,并且能够集体找到具有高导电性的那些节点(即那些容易传播病毒的节点)。通过涉及合成网络和实际网络的实验,我们证明了该策略可以有效,高效地在各种拓扑的分散式复杂网络环境中定位高度连接的节点,并且在处理大规模分散式网络时也具有可扩展性。我们已将我们的策略与一些知名策略进行了比较,包括相识和涵盖综合网络和现实网络中的策略。



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