首页> 外文期刊>Paläontologische Zeitschrift >Feeding preferences of Gomphotherium subtapiroideum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Miocene of Sandelzhausen (Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, southern Germany) through life and geological time: evidence from dental microwear analysis

Feeding preferences of Gomphotherium subtapiroideum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Miocene of Sandelzhausen (Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, southern Germany) through life and geological time: evidence from dental microwear analysis


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The objective of this study is to estimate changes in feeding preferences of the proboscidean species Gomphotherium subtapiroideum (Schlesinger 1917) by means of dental microwear analyses. The dietary changes are first evaluated through the ontogeny of this species, between juveniles and adults, and are then studied through geological time, from early Middle Miocene (MN5) to middle Late Miocene (MN8–9) localities of the German Molasse Basin. The microwear patterns of juvenile and adult individuals of G. subtapiroideum from Sandelzhausen (MN5) differ merely by the variable “length of scratches”, emphasizing longer jaw movements during mastication in adults. The microwear signatures of G. subtapiroideum do not vary significantly between the two geological time periods studied, but reflect mixed feeding preferences in both cases. These results imply that, despite an important environmental change at that time (drying and opening), the ecology of G. subtapiroideum and, especially, its feeding habits were not affected. Its dental microwear pattern is then compared with those of other species of Proboscidea from the Middle-Late Miocene of Germany, namely Deinotherium giganteum and Gomphotherium steinheimense.
机译:这项研究的目的是通过牙齿微磨损分析来评估长喙类Gothotherium subtapiroideum(Schlesinger 1917)的摄食偏好变化。首先通过该物种的个体发育,评估其幼年和成虫的饮食变化,然后通过地质时间研究,从德国摩拉斯盆地的中新世中期(MN5)到中新世中期(MN8-9)。来自Sandelzhausen(MN5)的Subtapiroideum(G. subtapiroideum)少年和成年个体的微磨损模式仅因变量“划痕长度”不同而不同,强调了成年人咀嚼期间下颚运动的时间更长。在所研究的两个地质时期之间,地下t牙菌的微磨损特征没有明显变化,但是在两种情况下都反映了混合进食的偏好。这些结果表明,尽管当时发生了重要的环境变化(干燥和开放),但底特里螺旋线菌的生态学,尤其是其摄食习惯并未受到影响。然后将其牙齿微磨损模式与来自德国中新世中期的其他长鳍螨属(Proboscidea)的模式进行比较,它们分别是巨型Deinotherium giganteum和Gomphotherium steinheimense。



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