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Economic turmoil and Islamic banking: Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council


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Using a panel of 101 banks across six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies, we investigate with the bank performance model CAMEL, whether Islamic banks outperformed conventional banks in the time of economic shocks over the period 1998-2012. We find that while Islamic banks performed better in terms of capitalisation, profitability and liquidity in the early stages of the global financial crisis (GFC), they performed worse in later stages with the real economic downturn, particularly in the areas of capitalisation, profitability and efficiency. Thus while the GCC Islamic banks may have avoided the consequences of more volatile financial instruments, they were not immune in the face of a major economic shock. Crown Copyright (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们使用横跨六个海湾合作委员会(GCC)经济体的101家银行组成的小组,以银行绩效模型CAMEL进行调查,在1998年至2012年的经济冲击期间,伊斯兰银行是否优于传统银行。我们发现,尽管伊斯兰银行在全球金融危机(GFC)的早期阶段在资本,盈利能力和流动性方面表现较好,但在实际经济下滑的后期阶段却表现较差,尤其是在资本,盈利能力和效率。因此,尽管海湾合作委员会(GCC)的伊斯兰银行可能避免了波动性更大的金融工具带来的后果,但面对重大的经济冲击,它们并不能幸免。官方版权(C)2016,由Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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