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Peat swamp forest supports high primate densities on Siberut Island, Sumatra, Indonesia


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Although South-east Asia harbours most of the world's tropical peatlands relatively little is known about the primate communities of the associated habitat, the peat swamp forest. To understand better the role of tropical peat swamp forests for the conservation of primates in general, and for the endemic primates of the Mentawai Islands in particular, we conducted a line transect survey in a 12.5-km~2 section of peat swamp forest in northern Siberut. A total of 215 records of all four Siberut primates (Endangered Kloss's gibbon Hylobates klossii, Endangered Mentawai langur Presbytis potenziani, Vulnerable Siberut macaque Macaca siberu and Critically Endangered pig-tailed langur Simias concolor) were obtained. Pig-tailed langurs (65.5 km~(-2), 95% confidence interval, CI, 41.9-102.6) and Siberut macaques (35.8 km~(-2), 95% CI 25.5-50.4) were the most common species, with density estimates similar to (pig-tailed langur) or greater than (Siberut macaque) those in adjacent lowland rainforest on mineral soil. Density estimates of the Mentawai langur (2.7 km~(-2), 95% CI 1.3-5.3) and Kloss's gibbon (1.0 km~(-2), 95% CI 0.3-2.8) were approximately one-third and one-tenth, respectively, of the adjacent lowland rainforest. Given that resource density and diversity in peat swamp forest are probably lower than that of lowland rainforest, primate densities appear to be relatively high, with overall primate biomass (881 kg km~(-2)) exceeding values for lowland rainforest on mineral soil. Our results underline the general importance that peat swamp forests may have for South-east Asian primates and for two island endemic species in particular.
机译:尽管东南亚是世界上大多数热带泥炭地的栖息地,但对相关生境的灵长类动物群落(泥炭沼泽森林)的了解相对较少。为了更好地了解热带泥炭沼泽森林在总体上保护灵长类动物,特别是对Mentawai群岛的特有灵长类动物的作用,我们在北部的12.5 km〜2区域泥炭沼泽森林中进行了线样调查西伯鲁总共获得了215条记录,包括所有四个西伯利亚灵长类动物(濒危克洛斯的长臂猿Hylobates klossii,濒临灭绝的Mentawai叶猴Presbytis potenziani,脆弱的西伯特猕猴,猕猴猕猴和极度濒临灭绝的猪尾叶猴Simias色)。猪尾叶猴(65.5 km〜(-2),95%置信区间,CI,41.9-102.6)和西伯利亚猕猴(35.8 km〜(-2),95%CI 25.5-50.4)是最常见的物种,其中密度估计值类似于(猪尾叶猴)或大于(西伯利亚猕猴)在邻近土壤土壤上的低地雨林的密度。 Mentawai叶猴(2.7 km〜(-2),95%CI 1.3-5.3)和Kloss's长臂猿(1.0 km〜(-2),95%CI 0.3-2.8)的密度估计分别约为三分之一和十分之一分别为邻近的低地雨林。鉴于泥炭沼泽森林的资源密度和多样性可能低于低地雨林,灵长类动物的密度似乎相对较高,总体灵长类生物量(881 kg km〜(-2))超过了矿物土壤上低地雨林的值。我们的结果强调了泥炭沼泽森林对于东南亚灵长类动物特别是两个岛屿特有物种的普遍重要性。



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