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Practise what you preach: a faith-based approach to conservation in Indonesia


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Faith-based teachings on the environment have been identified as a potentially effective form of conservation outreach but one that remains largely untested. Indonesia contains 10% of the world's tropical rainforests and is the most populous Muslim country. A faith-based approach to conservation could therefore yield significant conservation benefits here. Within Islam several key principles in the Qur'an underpin and outline the role of humans in nature conservation. Here, we report on a Darwin Initiative project component that sought to assess the applicability of Islamic teachings to conservation action in West Sumatra. We developed water-conservation-themed sermons that were delivered by project-trained religious leaders in 10 mosques and nine Islamic boarding schools during the holy month of Ramadan. We conducted entry-exit questionnaire surveys to assess levels of concern, awareness and intent to act amongst male (n = 389) and female (n = 479) worshippers. The results revealed that greater attention should be paid to raising awareness of the linkages between Islam and conservation rather than on conservation principles alone, which were already adequately understood. This study provides the first insights into the important role that women could play within a faith-based project. Female respondents demonstrated greater knowledge and understanding of Islamic teachings about the environment and the services provided by watershed forests. They were also more likely to contribute to conservation activities, suggesting that future projects should seek to involve this often marginalized stakeholder group fully, as well as provide practical ways for men and women to transform words into action.
机译:基于信仰的环境教学已被确认为一种潜在的有效的自然保护宣传形式,但仍未经测试。印度尼西亚拥有世界10%的热带雨林,并且是人口最多的穆斯林国家。因此,基于信仰的保护方法可以在这里产生巨大的保护效益。在伊斯兰教中,《古兰经》中的几项主要原则巩固并概述了人类在自然保护中的作用。在这里,我们报道了一个达尔文倡议项目的组成部分,该项目旨在评估伊斯兰教义对西苏门答腊保护行动的适用性。我们开发了以节水为主题的布道,这些布道是在斋月期间由受过项目培训的宗教领袖在10座清真寺和9所伊斯兰寄宿学校中分发的。我们进行了进出问卷调查,以评估男性(n = 389)和女性(n = 479)礼拜者的关注程度,意识和参与行为的意愿。结果表明,应该更加重视提高对伊斯兰教与保护之间联系的认识,而不是仅仅已经充分了解的保护原则。这项研究提供了关于女性在基于信仰的项目中可以扮演的重要角色的初步见解。女性受访者对伊斯兰教义有关环境和流域森林提供的服务的知识表现出了更多的知识和理解。他们也更有可能为保护活动做出贡献,这表明未来的项目应寻求使这个经常被边缘化的利益相关者团体充分参与,并为男人和女人提供切实可行的方式,使他们将言辞转化为行动。



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