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Bobbi Be Best: the development and evaluation of an audio program and discussion guide to promote exclusive breastfeeding in Cameroon, Central Africa

机译:Bobbi Be Best:在中部非洲喀麦隆开发和评估音频程序和讨论指南,以促进纯母乳喂养

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One risk factor for infant and childhood morbidity is not exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) during the first six months of life. Entertainment Education (EE) is a communication strategy consisting of placing educational information into television, movies, and radio programs. In developing countries this form of behavioral change communication has proven effective in addressing health-related issues; however, no research has determined if EE is effective in promoting EBF. The objective of this research was to develop an EE audio program and discussion guide and to determine if a series of four 15-minute episodes and post-listening discussion improved knowledge, perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and intention and decreased misconceptions and perceived barriers toward EBF in the Kumbo West Health District, Cameroon. Pregnant women and their partners were assigned to either the control group (N = 116; 74 women, 42 partners) or intervention group (N = 148; 99 women, 49 partners) based on expected date of delivery. All control and intervention group participants completed a questionnaire prior to listening to the first and after the last episode. Pre- and post-listening questionnaires were used to determine changes in the EBF knowledge, misconceptions, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, and intention variables as a result of exposure to the audio program. The Wilcoxon Sign Rank test showed significant improvement in all of the variables, except perceived barriers, within the intervention group (p < 0.05) and the Mann-Whitney test indicated significant differences between the control and intervention group in all of the variables (p < 0.05), indicating that using an audio program and discussion guide based on the EE model is an effective tool for promoting EBF in this setting. The strength of this approach is that it goes beyond simply telling women about what constitutes EBF, but addresses misconceptions and perceived barriers that may prevent women from practicing EBF for six months.
机译:婴儿和儿童发病的一个危险因素不是出生后六个月的纯母乳喂养(EBF)。娱乐教育(EE)是一种传播策略,包括将教育信息放入电视,电影和广播节目中。在发展中国家,这种形式的行为改变交流已被证明可有效解决与健康有关的问题;但是,尚无研究确定EE是否能有效促进EBF。这项研究的目的是开发EE音频程序和讨论指南,并确定一系列四个15分钟的情节和听后讨论是否能改善知识,感知的收益,自我效能和意图,并减少误解和感知的障碍前往喀麦隆Kumbo West卫生区的EBF。根据分娩的预期日期,将孕妇及其伴侣分为对照组(N = 116; 74名女性,42个伴侣)或干预组(N = 148; 99名女性,49个伴侣)。所有对照组和干预组参与者在听完第一集和最后一集之前都要完成一份问卷。听前和听后调查表用于确定因接触音频节目而导致的EBF知识,误解,感知障碍,自我效能和意图变量的变化。 Wilcoxon Sign Rank检验显示干预组内除感知障碍外,所有变量均显着改善(p <0.05),Mann-Whitney检验表明对照组和干预组之间所有变量均存在显着差异(p < 0.05),表示使用基于EE模型的音频程序和讨论指南是在这种情况下推广EBF的有效工具。这种方法的优势在于,它不仅可以简单地告诉妇女什么是EBF,还可以解决误解和感知障碍,这些障碍可能会阻止妇女在六个月内练习EBF。



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