首页> 外文期刊>Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of >OPS/agile-OCS data center network with flow management

OPS/agile-OCS data center network with flow management

机译:具有流程管理的OPS / Agile-OCS数据中心网络

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Modeling and performance analysis of a data center network (DCN) combining optical packet switching (OPS) and agile optical circuit switching (OCS) in a unified platform are presented. Hybrid optoelectronic packet routers which combine optical switching fabric and electronic buffers are used, supporting 100 Gbit/s (25 Gbit/s × 4 wavelengths) optical packets. OCS transmission is implemented by a novel “express path,” (ExP) an instant wavelength path on demand, which enables certain flows following the ExP with no packet contention, whereas ordinary OPS packets are switched with a deflection routing algorithm and buffering for contention resolution. This architecture can support OCS for large and reliability-sensitive data transferring and OPS for latency-sensitive applications. The performance of the network is investigated via numerical simulations of top-of-rack switch (ToR)-to-ToR traffic in an N-dimensional (up to 4096 node) torus topology. We have made the following observations: 1) torus topology results in high throughput and can be scaled out by increasing the dimension; 2) contention resolution between OPS and agile OCS is needed and our proposed strategies enhance the overall performance; and 3) in a lightly to moderately loaded case of OPS traffic, more than 100 ExPs can be supported simultaneously with acceptable affect on OPS.
机译:提出了在统一平台上结合光分组交换(OPS)和敏捷光电路交换(OCS)的数据中心网络(DCN)的建模和性能分析。使用将光交换结构和电子缓冲器相结合的混合光电分组路由器,支持100 Gbit / s(25 Gbit / s×4波长)的光分组。 OCS传输是通过一种新颖的“表达路径”(ExP)实现的,即按需即时波长路径,该路径可实现遵循ExP的某些流,而没有数据包争用,而普通的OPS数据包则通过偏转路由算法进行交换并缓冲以解决争用。该体系结构可以支持用于大型和对可靠性敏感的数据传输的OCS,以及用于对延迟敏感的应用程序的OPS。通过在N维(最多4096个节点)环形拓扑中对机架顶部交换机(ToR)到ToR流量进行数值模拟,研究了网络的性能。我们已经观察到以下几点:1)环形拓扑导致高吞吐量,并且可以通过增加尺寸进行扩展; 2)需要解决OPS与敏捷OCS之间的竞争问题,并且我们提出的策略可以提高整体性能; 3)在OPS流量轻到中度负载的情况下,可以同时支持100多个ExP,并且对OPS的影响可以接受。



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