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Total turns to subsea separation for problematic Pazflor crude


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Total has launched its third stand-alone development in Angolan deepwater block 17. Pazflor will combine production from one Oligocene and three Upper Miocene fields on the block's edge, spanning a total area of 600 sq km (232 sq mi). like its forerunners Girassol and Dalia, this project extends the boundaries of subsea technology. Its foremost innovation, and main element of risk, is its seabed gas/liquid separation system, the first in the world to be applied from field start-up. Pazflor, around 150 km (93 mi) offshore Angola, comprises the elongated Miocene structures Hortensia, Perpetua, and Zinia, and the compact Oligocene anticline, Acacia, nestling just to the south of Hortensia. All were discovered during 2000-03, with Acacia and Perpetua undergoing further appraisal during 2004-07. Water depths vary from 600 m (1,968 ft) on Zinia in the east to 1,200 m (3,937 ft) on Acacia.
机译:道达尔已在安哥拉深水17区启动了其第三项独立开发项目。Pazflor将结合该区边缘的一个渐新世和三个上中新世油田的生产,总面积为600平方公里(232平方英里)。像其先驱Girassol和Dalia一样,该项目扩展了海底技术的范围。它的首要创新和主要风险要素是其海底气/液分离系统,这是世界上第一个从油田启动开始应用的系统。 Pazflor位于安哥拉近海150公里(93英里)处,由拉长的中新世构造霍滕西亚,Perpetua和Zinia以及紧凑的渐新世背斜背斜线相思树(Acacia)坐落在霍滕西亚南部。所有这些都是在2000-03年间发现的,而相思树和Perpetua则在2004-07年间进行了进一步评估。水深从东部的Zinia的600 m(1,968 ft)到相思的1,200 m(3,937 ft)不等。



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