首页> 外文期刊>Oecologia >Past climate changes and ecophysiological responses recorded in the isotope ratios of saguaro cactus spines

Past climate changes and ecophysiological responses recorded in the isotope ratios of saguaro cactus spines


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The stable isotope composition of spines produced serially from the apex of columnar cacti has the potential to be used as a record of changes in climate and physiology. To investigate this potential, we measured the δ18O, δ13C and F14C values of spines from a long-lived columnar cactus, saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea). To determine plant age, we collected spines at 11 different heights along one rib from the stem apex (3.77 m height) to the base of a naturally occurring saguaro. Fractions of modern carbon (F14C) ranged from 0.9679 to 1.5537, which is consistent with ages between 1950 and 2004. We observed a very strong positive correlation (r = 0.997) between the F14C age of spines and the age of spines determined from direct and repeated height measurements taken on this individual over the past 37 years. A series of 96 spines collected from this individual had δ18O values ranging from 38‰ to 50‰ [Vienna standard mean ocean water (VSMOW)] and δ13C values from −11.5‰ to −8.5‰ [Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB)]. The δ18O and δ13C values of spines were positively correlated (r = 0.45, P < 0.0001) and showed near-annual oscillations over the ∼15-year record. This pattern suggests that seasonal periods of reduced evaporative demand or greater precipitation input may correspond to increased daytime CO2 uptake. The lowest δ18O and δ13C values of spines observed occurred during the 1983 and 1993 El Niño years, suggesting that the stable isotope composition recorded in spine tissue may serve as a proxy for these climate events. We compared empirical models and data from potted experimental cacti to validate these observations and test our hypotheses. The isotopic records presented here are the first ever reported from a chronosequence of cactus spines and demonstrate that tissues of columnar cacti, and potentially other long-lived succulents, may contain a record of past physiological and climatic variation.
机译:从柱状仙人掌的根尖连续产生的刺的稳定同位素组成,有可能被用作气候和生理变化的记录。为了研究这种潜力,我们测量了长寿命柱状仙人掌仙人掌(Carnegiea gigantea)的棘的δ18 O,δ13 C和F14 C值。为了确定植物的年龄,我们沿着一根肋骨从茎尖(3.77 m高)到自然仙人掌的底部收集了11个不同高度的刺。现代碳(F14 C)的分数介于0.9679至1.5537之间,与1950年至2004年之间的年龄相符。我们观察到,F14 C年龄与1914-2004年之间具有非常强的正相关性(r = 0.997)。刺和刺的年龄由过去37年对该个体进行的直接和重复的身高测量确定。从该个体收集的一系列96根刺的δ18O值范围为38‰至50‰[维也纳标准平均海水(VSMOW)],δ13C值范围为-11.5‰至-8.5‰。 [维也纳小便蜂贝石(VPDB)]。棘的δ18O和δ13C值呈正相关(r = 0.45,P <0.0001),并在约15年的记录中呈现近年振荡。这种模式表明,蒸发需求减少或降水输入增加的季节性时期可能对应于白天二氧化碳吸收的增加。观测到的最低的δ18 O和δ13 C值出现在1983年和1993年的厄尔尼诺现象期间,这表明脊柱组织中记录的稳定同位素组成可能是这些气候事件的代名词。我们比较了盆栽实验仙人掌的经验模型和数据,以验证这些观察结果并检验我们的假设。此处提供的同位素记录是仙人掌棘按时间顺序排列的第一个报道,并证明柱状仙人掌组织以及可能的其他长寿多肉植物可能包含过去的生理和气候变化记录。



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