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Evaluation of status of commercial fish stocks in European marine subareas using mean trophic levels of fish landings and spawning stock biomass


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Most of the fish stocks in the world, including European fish stocks, are threatened by overfishing and/or degraded environmental conditions. Although the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the main policy instrument managing fish stocks in Europe, there is continued concern as to whether commercial fish stocks will achieve Good Environmental Status (GEnS) in 2020 in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). In this context, the evaluation of the status of fish stocks in the subareas of FAO fishing area 27 was carried out using mean trophic levels (MTL) in fish landings and spawning stock biomass (SSB). Comparisons were made before and after 2008 to establish whether the trend is positive or negative. The main data sources for landings and SSB were the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advisory reports. MTLs in landing and SSB were determined for each subarea and the subareas were categorized into four groups, according to MTLs after 2008. The first group (subareas I + II, V) had higher MTL in landings and higher MTL in SSB after 2008. Therefore, fisheries in these subareas appear sustainable. The second group was subareas VIII + IX, for which the fish stocks have higher MTL in landings but low MTL in SSB, indicating that SSB was being overfished. The third was subarea (VI), where fish stocks have lower MTL in landings than those in SSB after 2008, which may indicate that fish stocks are recovering. Fish stocks in the fourth group (subareas III, IV and VII) had low MIL in landings and the MTL in SSB was lower than that of landings before 2008. This may be due to heavy fishing. In addition, we estimated the harvest rate (HR) of the fish stocks before and after 2008. The results showed that most of the fish stocks have lower HR after 2008, indicating that the status has improved, perhaps due to improvements in the implementation of CFP. However, some fish stocks showed high HR even after 2008, so that new management options are still needed. Other factors such as eutrophication, seafloor disturbances, marine pollution, invasive species etc., influence SSB ecosystem health options and should also be incorporated in the management criteria. Most of these environmental pressures are of high priority in the MSFD, and therefore the findings of this study will be useful for both CFP and MSFD. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:世界上大多数鱼类种群,包括欧洲鱼类种群,都受到过度捕捞和/或环境条件恶化的威胁。尽管通用渔业政策(CFP)是欧洲管理鱼类资源的主要政策工具,但根据海洋战略框架指令(MSFD),商业鱼类资源是否会在2020年达到良好环境状况(GEnS)仍然令人担忧。在这种情况下,对粮农组织捕捞区域27分区的鱼类种群状况进行了评估,使用的是鱼类登陆区的平均营养水平(MTL)和产卵生物量(SSB)。在2008年之前和之后进行了比较,以确定趋势是正面还是负面。登陆和SSB的主要数据来源是国际海洋探索理事会(ICES)咨询报告。根据2008年之后的MTL,针对每个分区确定着陆和SSB的MTL,并将该子区域分为四类。第一组(I + II,V子分区)的着陆MTL较高,而SSB的MTL在2008年之后较高。 ,这些分区的渔业似乎是可持续的。第二类是分区VIII + IX,其上岸鱼类种群的MTL较高,而SSB的MTL较低,这表明SSB被过度捕捞。第三个是分区(VI),该区域的鱼类种群上岸的MTL低于2008年之后的SSB,这可能表明鱼类种群正在恢复。第四类(第三,第四和第七分区)的鱼类种群的着陆MIL值低,SSB的MTL低于2008年前的着陆量。这可能是由于捕鱼量大。此外,我们估计了2008年之前和之后鱼类种群的收获率(HR)。结果显示,大多数鱼类种群在2008年之后的HR较低,这表明状况有所改善,这可能是由于实施了CFP。但是,即使在2008年以后,一些鱼类种群的HR仍然很高,因此仍然需要新的管理方案。其他因素,例如富营养化,海底干扰,海洋污染,入侵物种等,影响SSB生态系统健康选择,也应纳入管理标准。 MSFD将这些环境压力中的大多数置于高度优先位置,因此,本研究的结果对于CFP和MSFD均将是有用的。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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