首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Technology >H_∞ control theory applied to xenon control for load-following operation of a nuclear reactor

H_∞ control theory applied to xenon control for load-following operation of a nuclear reactor


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A robust controller is designed by applying the H-∞ optimal control theory to the xenon control for load- following operation of a nuclear reactor. The set of re- actor model equations for controller design is a stiff system. This singularly perturbed system arises from the interaction of slow dynamics modes (iodine and xenon concentrations ) and fast dynamics models (neutron den- sity, fuel and coolant temperatures). The singular per- turbation technique is use d to overcome this stiffness problem. The design specifications are incorporated by the frequency weights using the mixed-sensitivity prob- lem approach.
机译:通过将H-∞最优控制理论应用于氙控制中的核反应堆负荷跟踪操作,设计了一种鲁棒控制器。用于控制器设计的反应堆模型方程组是一个刚性系统。这个奇异的扰动系统是由慢动力学模式(碘和氙浓度)和快动力学模型(中子密度,燃料和冷却剂温度)的相互作用引起的。 d使用奇异摄动技术来克服该刚度问题。使用混合灵敏度问题方法,通过频率权重并入设计规范。



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