首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >Beam interaction measurements with a Retarding Field Analyzer in a high-current high-vacuum positively charged particle accelerator

Beam interaction measurements with a Retarding Field Analyzer in a high-current high-vacuum positively charged particle accelerator


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A Retarding Field Analyzer (RFA) was inserted in a drift region of the magnetic transport section of the High-Current Experiment (HCX), that is at high-vacuum, to measure ions and electrons resulting from beam interaction with background gas and walls. The ions are expelled during the beam pulse by the space-charge potential and the electrons are expelled mainly at the end of the beam, when the beam potential decays. The ion energy distribution shows the beam potential of ~2100 V and the beam-background gas total cross-section of 3.1 x 10~(-19) m~2. The electron energy distribution reveals that the expelled electrons are mainly desorbed from the walls and gain ~22eV from the beam potential decaying with time before entering the RFA. Details of the RFA design and of the measured energy distributions are presented and discussed.
机译:在高电流实验(HCX)的磁性传输部分的漂移区域中插入了一个缓磁场分析仪(RFA),该区域处于高真空状态,以测量由离子束与背景气体和壁相互作用产生的离子和电子。在电子束脉冲期间,离子被空间电荷电势驱除,而电子束主要在电子束的末端(电子束电势衰减时)排出。离子能量分布显示出〜2100 V的电子束电势和3.1 x 10〜(-19)m〜2的电子束背景气体总横截面。电子能量分布表明,被排出的电子主要从壁上解吸,进入束流电子束之前,随着时间的流逝,电子束的电位衰减了〜22eV。提出并讨论了RFA设计和测得的能量分布的细节。



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