
Simple ways of n-γ discrimination using charge comparison technique


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The charge comparison method for n-γ discrimination has been in practice for more than two decades; technically it can be implemented in variety of ways. We present explicitly, in detail, two simple ways of implementing this technique. The first one is the conventional way of comparing the fractional or slow charge in the tail with the full charge of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) anode pulse fed to a charge integrating ADC or QDC, but has been electronically implemented in a new fashion. The second one is a novel technique of comparing shaped-dynode pulse, fed to a peak-sensing ADC, with the fractional slow charge integrated in QDC. This technique reduces the complexity of individual gate generation, and thus reduces the number of gate and delay generators, compared with the first case. To implement these techniques, we have designed and fabricated a six-channel, single-width NIM module for use with QDC for n-γ discrimination. The module fabrication is very simple and inexpensive, and can be easily integrated with commercially available high-density NIM and CAMAC modules in experimental setups involving a large number of neutron detectors. Commercially available passive analog delay line chips have been used for delaying analog signals fed to the QDC. To simplify the setup for high-density applications we have replaced the constant fraction discriminator (CFD) by a fast leading-edge discriminator. The quality of n-γ discrimination obtained is comparable with that reported earlier in the literature.


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