首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >A novel approach for fast scanning of nuclear emulsions with continuous motion of the microscope stage

A novel approach for fast scanning of nuclear emulsions with continuous motion of the microscope stage


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Nuclear emulsions have been used in particle physics experiments for many decades because of their unique spatial resolution. The use of nuclear emulsions as precise tracking detectors in large experiments has recently been made possible due to advances in the production of emulsion films and to the development of very fast automatic scanning devices. The present scanning speed of the European Scanning System (ESS), which has been developed within the OPERA Collaboration, is about 20 cm_2/h. In addition to the scanning of OPERA fiims, the ESS is used for other applications with evergrowing demands for scanning speed, such as the muon radiography of volcanoes. In order to further increase the scanning speed of the ESS, we are testing a novel approach different from the standard stop-and-go motion of the microscope stage in the horizontal plane. Indeed we perform data acquisition with the stage moving at constant speed, using an objective lens with wide field of view. Unlike the implementation realized in Japan where the movement of objective lens and stage are synchronized to pile up images of the same view in a vertical stack, in this approach only the stage is moving horizontally. Thus images at different depths are not fully overlapped and special care is needed in the reconstruction. This approach can give a substantial increase in the scanning speed, especially for thin emulsion layers and wide field of view. In this paper we demonstrate that, after applying special corrections, the emulsion data quality can be as good as with the standard stop-and-go approach. This technique allows to double the scanning speed of the ESS, bringing it to 40 cm2/h without any hardware modification.
机译:核乳液由于其独特的空间分辨率而已在粒子物理实验中使用了数十年。由于乳胶薄膜生产的进步和非常快速的自动扫描设备的发展,最近在大型实验中将核乳胶用作精确的跟踪检测器成为可能。由OPERA合作开发的欧洲扫描系统(ESS)的当前扫描速度约为20 cm_2 / h。除扫描OPERA膜外,ESS还用于对扫描速度有不断增长的需求的其他应用,例如火山的μ射线照相。为了进一步提高ESS的扫描速度,我们正在测试一种新颖的方法,该方法不同于显微镜载物台在水平面中的标准停走运动。实际上,我们使用具有宽视场的物镜,以恒定速度移动载物台来执行数据采集。与日本实现的实现方式不同,在日本,实现物镜和平台的移动同步以在垂直堆栈中堆叠同一视图的图像,在这种方法中,只有平台在水平移动。因此,不同深度的图像不能完全重叠,因此在重建过程中需要特别注意。这种方法可以显着提高扫描速度,特别是对于乳剂薄层和宽视野。在本文中,我们证明,经过特殊的校正,乳液数据的质量可以与标准的即停即走方法一样好。该技术可使ESS的扫描速度加倍,无需任何硬件修改即可将其提高到40 cm2 / h。



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