
The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory


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The Pierre Auger Observatory, located on a vast high plain in western Argentina, is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. The objectives of the Observatory are to probe the origin and characteristics of cosmic rays above 10~(17) eV and to study the interactions of these, the most energetic particles observed in nature. The Auger design features an array of 1660 water Cherenkov particle detector stations spread over 3000 km~2 overlooked by 24 air fluorescence telescopes. In addition, three high elevation fluorescence telescopes overlook a 23.5 km~2, 61-detector infilled array with 750 m spacing. The Observatory has been in successful operation since completion in 2008 and has recorded data from an exposure exceeding 40,000 km~2 sr yr. This paper describes the design and performance of the detectors, related subsystems and infrastructure that make up the Observatory.
机译:皮埃尔·奥格天文台位于阿根廷西部广阔的高原上,是世界上最大的宇宙射线天文台。天文台的目的是探测高于10〜(17)eV的宇宙射线的起源和特征,并研究这些射线的相互作用,这是自然界中观察到的最具能量的粒子。俄歇(Auger)设计的特点是,分布在3000 km〜2范围内的1660个水切伦科夫粒子检测站阵列,被24台空气荧光望远镜所忽略。此外,三台高海拔荧光望远镜俯瞰着一个23.5 km〜2、61个探测器的,间隔750 m的阵列。天文台自2008年完工以来一直在成功运行,并记录了超过40,000 km〜2 sr年的暴露数据。本文介绍了组成天文台的探测器,相关子系统和基础设施的设计和性能。



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