
The Trigger and Data Acquisition System for the 8 tower subsystem of the KM3NeT detector


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KM3NeT is a deep-sea research infrastructure being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It will host a large Cherenkov neutrino telescope that will collect photons emitted along the path of the charged particles produced in neutrino interactions in the vicinity of the detector. The philosophy of the DAQ. system of the detector foresees that all data are sent to shore after a proper sampling of the photo-multiplier signals. No off-shore hardware trigger is implemented and a software selection of the data is performed with an on-line Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TriDAS) to reduce the large throughput due to the environmental light background. A first version of the TriDAS has been developed to operate a prototype detection unit deployed in March 2013 in the abyssal site of Capo Passero (Sicily, Italy), about 3500 m deep. A revised and improved version has been developed to meet the requirements of the final detector, using new tools and modern design solutions. First installation and scalability tests have been performed at the Bologna Common Infrastructure and results comparable to what expected have been observed.
机译:KM3NeT是在地中海建造的深海研究基础设施。它将容纳一个大型的切伦科夫中微子望远镜,该望远镜将收集沿探测器附近中微子相互作用中产生的带电粒子的路径发射的光子。 DAQ的理念。探测器的系统可以预见,在对光电倍增管信号进行适当采样之后,所有数据都将被发送到岸上。没有实施海上硬件触发,而是使用在线触发和数据采集系统(TriDAS)来执行数据的软件选择,以减少环境光背景下的大吞吐量。 TriDAS的第一个版本已经开发出来,用于操作于2013年3月部署在深约3500 m的Capo Passero(意大利西西里岛)深渊站点中的原型检测装置。使用新工具和现代设计解决方案,已开发出经过修订和改进的版本,以满足最终检测器的要求。博洛尼亚公共基础设施已经进行了首次安装和可伸缩性测试,其结果与预期的结果相当。



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