
Transverse beam emittance studies of the CYRCe TR24 cyclotron

机译:Cyrce TR24回旋加速器的横梁射线发射研究

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The PRECy project foresees the use of a 16-25 MeV energy proton beam produced by the TR24 cyclotron, named CYRCe, recently installed at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) in Strasbourg for research in radiation biology. One of the exit ports of the cyclotron will be used for this application along with a combination magnet. The platform will consist of up to 5 experimental stations linked to beamlines located in a dedicated area next to the cyclotron vault. One of the beamlines will receive proton beams of a few cm diameter at intensities up to 100 nA. In order to characterize the beam extracted from the cyclotron, the transverse beam emittance was studied by means of different methods.
机译:Predy项目预计使用由TR24回旋加速器生产的16-25 MeV能量质子束,名叫Cyrce,最近安装在Strasbourg的Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien(IPHC)中进行辐射生物学研究。回旋加速器的一个出口将用于该应用以及组合磁体。该平台将由最多5个与位于Cyclotron Vault旁边的专用区域中的带束线相关的5个实验站。其中一个波束线将在高达100A的强度下接收几厘米直径的质子束。为了表征从回旋加速器提取的光束,通过不同的方法研究了横向光束发射。



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