
Multipacting study of power couplers for the CSNS DTL

机译:CSNS DTL功率耦合器的多步研究

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There are four taper ridge waveguide couplers with characteristic impedance of 50 ohms operating in pulse mode at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Drift Tube Linac (DTL) section. Multipacting (MP) in couplers may be a factor limiting the steady operation of the accelerator. In this paper, MP barriers in the critical area of the coupler are estimated according to the parallel-plate model firstly. Second, we present a detailed numerical simulation results obtained by the TRK and PIC Solver in CST PS Studio. Furthermore, MP zones encountered during the conditioning process are performed. Finally, a good agreement of the analytical predictions, the numerical simulation results and the experimental data have been found.
机译:在中国散裂中子源(CSNS)漂移管直线加速器(DTL)部分,有四个具有50欧姆特征阻抗的锥形脊波导耦合器以脉冲模式工作。耦合器中的多步(MP)可能是限制加速器稳定运行的因素。本文首先根据平行板模型估算了耦合器关键区域的MP壁垒。其次,我们介绍了由TRK和PIC Solver在CST PS Studio中获得的详细数值仿真结果。此外,执行在调节过程中遇到的MP区域。最后,找到了分析预测,数值模拟结果和实验数据的良好一致性。



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