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Flux dependence of carbon chemical erosion by deuterium ions


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Therefore, a joint attempt was made through the EU Task Force on plasma-wall interaction and the international tokamak physics activity involving seven different fusion devices and plasma simulators to clarify the flux dependence. For each data point the local plasma conditions were normalized to an impact energy of 30 eV, care was taken to select data for a surface temperature close to the maximum yield or room temperature and the calibration of the diagnostic was performed in situ. Through this procedure the previous large scatter was significantly reduced, revealing a clear trend for a decreasing yield with increasing ion flux, Φ. After the attribution of an error to each data point a fit using Bayesian probability analysis was performed, yielding a decrease in the erosion yield with Φ{sup}(-0.54) at high ion fluxes.
机译:因此,欧盟工作队针对等离子体-壁相互作用和国际托卡马克物理活动进行了联合尝试,涉及七个不同的聚变设备和等离子体模拟器,以阐明通量依赖性。对于每个数据点,将本地血浆条件归一化为30 eV的冲击能,注意选择接近最大产率或室温的表面温度数据,并在原位进行诊断校准。通过该程序,先前的大散射大大降低,揭示出明显的趋势,即随着离子通量Φ的增加,产率降低。将误差归因于每个数据点后,使用贝叶斯概率分析进行拟合,从而在高离子通量下使用Φ{sup}(-0.54)降低腐蚀率。



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