首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear fuel cycle monitor >LAWMAKERS FROM URANIUM STATES EXPRESS CONCERN OVER DUF6 TAILS BILL: Lawmakers Warn that Re-Enrichment Measure Could Hurt Uranium Prices, Lead to Lost Jobs

LAWMAKERS FROM URANIUM STATES EXPRESS CONCERN OVER DUF6 TAILS BILL: Lawmakers Warn that Re-Enrichment Measure Could Hurt Uranium Prices, Lead to Lost Jobs


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Lawmakers from uranium-producing states raised concern this week over language in a proposed House bill that would increase the Department of Energy' s annual limit on how much of its inventory of excess uranium it can transfer or sell for other purposes. The "Energy and Revenue Enrichment Act of 2011" would require DOE to establish a program to re-enrich a portion of its inventory of depleted uranium hexafluoride tails for later sale, and would set an annual sale limit of 15 percent of the domestic uranium supply, up from the Department's self-imposed 10 percent limit. In a June 22 letter to leadership of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the subcommittee on Energy and Power, the lawmakers warned the bill could have a damaging impact on uranium prices that have already seen a drop due to factors such as the Fuki-shima nuclear power plant disaster. "As written, H.R. 2054 would exacerbate the problem by further depressing the value of uranium and conversion," wrote Reps. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Ruben Hinojosa (D-Texas) and Adrian Smith (R-Neb.).
机译:铀生产国的议员们本周对众议院拟议中的法案提出了担忧,该法案将提高能源部对其可以转让或出售用于其他目的的过量铀库存的年度限制。 《 2011年能源和税收增加法案》将要求能源部制定一项计划,以重新充实其已耗尽的六氟化铀尾矿库存的一部分,以供日后销售,并将年度销售限额设定为国内铀供应量的15% ,高于美国商务部自行设定的10%的上限。在6月22日致美国众议院能源与商业委员会和能源与电力小组委员会领导的信中,立法者警告该法案可能对铀价造成破坏性影响,而铀价由于诸如福希岛之类的因素而下跌。核电站灾难。代表辛西娅·鲁米斯(R-Wyo。),鲁本·希诺乔萨(D-Texas)和阿德里安·史密斯(R-Neb。)表示:“按照书面规定,HR 2054会进一步压低铀的价值和转化率,从而加剧该问题。”



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