首页> 外文期刊>Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes >Die Rosskastanien-Miniermotte (Cameraria ohridella)- Biologie, Verbreitung und Gegenmassnahmen- Inhalte und Erkenntnisse aus dem Statuskolloquium am 8. und 9. Mai 2001 in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fuer Land- und Forstwirtschaft (BBA), Braunschweig

Die Rosskastanien-Miniermotte (Cameraria ohridella)- Biologie, Verbreitung und Gegenmassnahmen- Inhalte und Erkenntnisse aus dem Statuskolloquium am 8. und 9. Mai 2001 in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fuer Land- und Forstwirtschaft (BBA), Braunschweig

机译:欧洲七叶树采摘机(Cameraria ohridella)-生物学,分布和对策-2001年5月8日至9日在不伦瑞克联邦农林生物研究中心(BBA)的状态研讨会上的内容和知识

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The horse chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic) is widespread in Germany. Anthropogenic transport of adults and pupae by land and water vehicles plays an important role, as well as the spread by aerial plankton. The development of the pest population passes through several generations per year which may overlap to a large extent. The pupae may lie dormant for several years. Certain information is still missing on the physiological reactions of trees due to infestation. The appearance of secondary damage on infested trees due to wood and root-inhabiting fungi has to be considered more seriously in the future. Until now medium-range damage, such as reduced leaf size, emergency flowering in the autumn, reduced formation of fruits and year rings has been observed. Infestation may be reduced to a certain extent by using sticky trap rings around the trunks, but not with sticky sheets. Mass trapping using pheromone traps is not a suitable means for direct control. Pheromone traps, however, are suitable tools for monitoring purposes, particularly in combination with certain phenological stages. Natural enemies, all of which are polyphagous species, show rates of parasitization between 5 and a maximum of 20%. This is not sufficient for controlling the pest effectively. Progress could be made by detecting the natural habitat of the horse chestnut leaf miner in order to select suitable antagonists. Red flowering horse chest nut trees are usually less infested than white flowering ones. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood. For chemical control only fully systemic insecticides are suitable. Soil injection procedures may be used as well as trunk injections. However, important questions, in particular on phytotoxicity, wound healing and the side effects on non-target organisms, still have to be answered. Until now an insecticide for this particular purpose has not been registered in Germany. A strategy for a sustainable protection of the horse chestnut should be geared towards a combined procedure which fulfils the principles of integrated plant protection. This strategy should take into consideration those procedures which are actually of use in practice with regards to the costs of treatment and specific legal regulations. There is a significant need for future research on the biology and population dynamics of C. ohridella, the physiological reactions of host plants, the relationship between the degrees of infestation and damage, as well as on the selection and breeding of trees which are less susceptible to this pest.
机译:七叶树采叶机(Cameraria ohridella Deschka&Dimic)在德国很流行。陆地和水上交通工具对人和p的人为运输以及空中浮游生物的传播都起着重要作用。有害生物种群的发展每年经历数代,可能在很大程度上重叠。 may可能休眠数年。由于侵扰,树木的生理反应仍缺少某些信息。将来,必须更加重视由于木材和生根真菌而在侵染树木上造成的继发性损害。迄今为止,已经观察到中等程度的损害,例如叶片尺寸减小,秋天紧急开花,果实形成和年轮减少。通过在树干周围使用粘性捕集环,可以在一定程度上减少侵扰,但不能使用粘性床单。使用信息素捕获器进行质量捕获不是直接控制的合适方法。然而,信息素捕获器是用于监视目的的合适工具,尤其是与某些物候阶段结合使用时。所有都是多食性物种的天敌显示出寄生率在5%至最大20%之间。这不足以有效地防治害虫。通过检测七叶树采伐者的自然栖息地以选择合适的拮抗剂可以取得进展。红色开花的七叶树坚果树通常比白色开花的树树少出没。这种现象的原因尚不完全清楚。对于化学控制,仅完全内吸性杀虫剂是合适的。可以使用土壤注入程序以及树干注入。但是,仍然必须回答重要的问题,尤其是有关植物毒性,伤口愈合以及对非目标生物的副作用。迄今为止,在德国尚未注册用于该特定目的的杀虫剂。七叶树的可持续保护战略应针对符合综合植物保护原则的综合程序。该策略应考虑到在治疗费用和特定法律法规方面实际上在实践中实际使用的那些程序。迫切需要对隐孢子虫的生物学和种群动态,寄主植物的生理反应,侵染程度和损害程度之间的关系以及对较不易感树木的选择和育种进行进一步研究。对这种害虫。



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