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On your marks...


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The international effort to sequence the human genome is shaping up into a race between a company and a loose coalition of organisations funded by governments and charities. With efforts to decode the human genetic blueprint accelerating in both camps, tensions are starting to rise over how openly the data will be made available, and whether patents on genes will obstruct progress in developing new drugs. The stakes rose last week when the Wellcome Trust, the world's largest medical charity, raised its contribution to the project by £110 million to £205 million. The trust's team at the Sanger Centre near Cambridge plans to sequence one third of the genome instead of a sixth, as was planned.
机译:国际上对人类基因组测序的努力正在形成一个公司与由政府和慈善机构资助的组织松散联盟之间的竞赛。随着人们在两个阵营中对人类遗传蓝图的加速解读,关于如何公开提供数据以及有关基因的专利是否会阻碍新药开发的进展,紧张局势开始升温。上周,当全球最大的医疗慈善机构惠康信托基金会(Wellcome Trust)将其对该项目的捐款增加了1.1亿英镑至2.05亿英镑时,股权增加了。剑桥附近桑格中心的信托团队计划对基因组的三分之一进行测序,而不是按计划进行。



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