首页> 外文期刊>New Review of Film and Television Studies >Steven Spielberg's 'feelgood' endings and sentimentality

Steven Spielberg's 'feelgood' endings and sentimentality

机译:史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)的“感觉良好”结局和感性

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This paper seeks to analyse the discourses of sentimentality precisely where they are employed for their most pejorative purposes in relation to the films of Steven Spielberg. Spielberg is all too often accused of not earning his endings, allowing implausible characterisation and plot outcome or awe-inspiring scenes of spectacle to yield superficial and insufficient resolutions to the profound social, historical, and psychological problems set out by his films. Analysing scenes from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, and A.I. Artificial Intelligence, it will be argued that Spielberg's work negotiates an aesthetics of both realism and traditional melodrama in order to both educate and emotionally move the spectator, with the latter purpose employed as a means of underlining the significance of the diegetic events. The critic who cries 'too sentimental' will be analysed in terms of the established and persistent critical discourses that are implicit in such a charge and challenged to seek alternatives to the rigid binaries of high and low art that such a term polices.



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