首页> 外文期刊>Neurocomputing >Upper integral network with extreme learning mechanism

Upper integral network with extreme learning mechanism


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The upper integral is a type of non-linear integral with respect to non-additive measures, which represents the maximum potential of efficiency for a group of features with interaction. The value of upper integrals can be evaluated through solving a linear programming problem. Considering the upper integral as a classifier, this paper first investigates its implementation and performance. Fusing multiple upper integral classifiers together by using a single layer neural network, this paper considers a upper integral network as a classification system. The learning mechanism of ELM is used to train this single layer neural network. A comparison of performance between a single upper integral classifier and the upper integral network is given on a number of benchmark databases.
机译:上积分是相对于非加法度量的一种非线性积分,它表示一组具有交互作用的要素的最大效率潜力。上积分的值可以通过解决线性规划问题来评估。以上层积分为分类器,首先研究其实现和性能。通过使用单层神经网络将多个上部积分分类器融合在一起,本文将上部积分网络视为分类系统。 ELM的学习机制用于训练此单层神经网络。在多个基准数据库上,对单个上层积分分类器和上层积分网络之间的性能进行了比较。



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