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DANA: Distributed numerical and adaptive modelling framework


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DANA is a python framework whose computational paradigm is grounded on the notion of a unit that is essentially a set of time dependent values varying under the influence of other units via adaptive weighted connections. The evolution of a unit's value are defined by a set of differential equations expressed in standard mathematical notation which greatly ease their definition. The units are organized into groups that form a model. Each unit can be connected to any other unit (including itself) using a weighted connection. The DANA framework offers a set of core objects needed to design and run such models. The modeler only has to define the equations of a unit as well as the equations governing the training of the connections. The simulation is completely transparent to the modeler and is handled by DANA. This allows DANA to be used for a wide range of numerical and distributed models as long as they fit the proposed framework (e.g. cellular automata, reaction-diffusion system, decentralized neural networks, recurrent neural networks, kernel-based image processing, etc.).
机译:DANA是python框架,其计算范例基于单位的概念,该单位本质上是一组时间相关的值,这些值在其他单位的影响下通过自适应加权连接而变化。单位值的演变由一组用标准数学符号表示的微分方程式定义,这大大简化了它们的定义。这些单元被组织成一个模型的组。可以使用加权连接将每个单元连接到任何其他单元(包括其自身)。 DANA框架提供了设计和运行此类模型所需的一组核心对象。建模者只需定义一个单元的方程式以及控制连接训练的方程式即可。模拟对建模者完全透明,由DANA处理。只要DANA符合提出的框架(例如,细胞自动机,反应扩散系统,分散神经网络,递归神经网络,基于内核的图像处理等),就可以将DANA用于广泛的数值和分布式模型。 。



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