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Web conferencing comes of age


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Those who rely on a smile and a handshake to close a deal might never embrace Web conferencing, but for the rest of us―including every stripe of remote worker―the technology is proving a smart way to strengthen collaboration and trim costs. Web conferencing services raked in $315 million last year, according to Andrew Nilssen, senior analyst and partner at Wain-house Research. Nilssen expects the industry to grow 22% per year over the next five years, as it moves from "a renegade to a blessed stage." One reason Nilssen and others take such a bright view of Web conferencing is its ability to help IT managers keep costs in check while offering a range of pricing models. But for firms that haven't tried it, the variety of options can be overwhelm-ing.All players offer a laundry list of collaboration services, such as audio and videoconferencing, application sharing and whiteboarding. But technologies and approaches vary .
机译:那些依靠微笑和握手完成交易的人可能永远不会接受Web会议,但是对于我们其余的人(包括远程工作人员的各个部门),该技术正在证明是一种加强协作和降低成本的明智方法。 Wain-house Research的高级分析师兼合伙人安德鲁·尼尔森(Andrew Nilssen)表示,去年网络会议服务的收入为3.15亿美元。尼尔森(Nilssen)预计,随着行业从“叛变到有福的阶段”,该行业在未来五年将以每年22%的速度增长。 Nilssen和其他人之所以对Web会议如此看好,一个原因是它能够帮助IT经理控制成本,同时提供一系列定价模型。但是对于没有尝试过的公司来说,各种各样的选择可能会让人不知所措,所有参与者都提供了一系列协作服务的清单,例如音频和视频会议,应用程序共享和白板。但是技术和方法各不相同。



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